In other words, this could be turned into a benign crisis for those of us who are in favour of a growing and competitive Europe (it's hard to argue that Europe doesn't need reform when several countries are on the verge of bankruptcy).
Encouragingly, Downing Street has moved today to try and push this agenda, with a new initiative entitled "Let's choose growth" - and there's lots of good stuff in there (and the format is refreshingly innovative and easy to grasp, including this You Tube clip). Besides the proposals to liberalise the single market further, by creating a common market for digital and service industries and calling for deregulation, there also seems to be an emphasis on 'shock therapy'. Cameron and Co have made it plain to EU leaders that standing still is not an option as the rest of the world moves on.

This chart should be all the motivation Europe needs. As you can see, by 2050, only Germany and the UK are predicted to remain among the world's economic elite, and they will only be hanging on to the bottom two rungs of the ladder.
The rise of the likes of China, India and Brazil is inevitable but this is no excuse for Europe to give up. The big question however is whether the UK and other like-minded governments, such as the Scandinavians, the Dutch and the Czechs, will be able to keep the eurozone's attention long enough to make the point.
For this to happen, the British government needs to roll up its sleeves and get down to business: form alliances (cultivate, cultivate, cultivate the Scandies, new members - and the biggest prize of them all - Germany), horse-trade, manage the European Parliament, convince through pursuing best practice at home (such as the 'Better Regulation agenda', and a strong, healthy economy), on EU proposals get in early and get in low - but be tougher and shrewder when negotiations get rowdy.
Downing Street should be given credit for raising its game on EU reform. But now it must show it can turn a catchy pamphlet into concrete action.
April fools you all!
I love the EU. I adore it. I love Jean Monet, Robert Schuman, and all the little Napoleons, Charlemagnes and Julius Caesars! Who needs democracy when you can sleep peacefully knowing that lobbyists are making laws for you? Who needs a functioning economy and a job when you can have the euro? And why have elected representatives when you can have that most charming, handsome and charismatic fellow, Hermann van Rompuy?
(Happy April fools! :P)
Wonderful graph and video but but not described in Brussels language, and in their eyes not acceptable. Does the Government not realise in the eyes of Brussels UK, Germany, and France will not exist in 2050 as it is their plans to have one European State in Brussels by 2050.
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