Friday, January 26, 2007

Dirty bomb anyone?

A Russian man has been caught trying to sell weapons grade uranium in Georgia. Oleg Khinsagov was arrested with 100g of uranium wrapped in a plastic bag in his pocket - he boasted that he had another 4kg of the stuff back at his flat. This is easily enough to make a small bomb - the Hiroshima bomb was made from 50kg of similar grade uranium. Luckily the buyers were Georgian secret services masquerading as Muslim terrorists from "a serious organisation". The FBI - who were also involved in the sting operation - claimed that the uranium must have been smuggled out of the Soviet Union within the last decade.

Given that this is all scary stuff, it seems strange that it was pretty much ignored by the British press. Hats off then to the Indie for being the only national newspaper to print the story - even if it was on page 27 (the first three pages were dedicated to a 'splash' on "foul smelling" British litter being sent to China).

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