Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Travelling clowns (II)

We have finally tracked down a full list of the names of MEPs who signed the Written Declaration backing one seat for the European Parliament, an initiative supported by Open Europe.

The total number is 286, well short of the required majority of 393.

One of the authors of the declaration, Belgian MEP Frédérique Ries has been quoted saying: "There were strong indications that MEPs were acting on very strict orders not to support the declaration which had been issued by the leaders of the political groups."

Another MEP in favour of a one seat Parliament, Alexander Alvaro, pledged: "we will continue to campaign against the twin-seat arrangement."

We wish them every success.

1 comment:

  1. There are European Citizens’ Consultations 2009 (ECC 2009) taking place now, which bring together citizens from all 27 EU Member States to discuss - with each other and then with policy-makers - key challenges facing the EU. Between December 2008 and March 2009, everyone is invited to take part in an online debate and make proposals for our economic and social future. These proposals will then feed directly into the European Citizens’ Consultation in that country as material for discussion.

    We would like to ask:

    - if it is possible to put the logo AND the banner of the German and Austrian website, on Your website;

    - whether it is possible to put a link to the German&Austrian consultations (website http://www.europaeische-buergerkonferenzen.eu/de/; http://www.europaeische-buergerkonferenzen.eu/at/) on the website of EU Observer;

    - and, possibly, whether it is possible to spread the information on the ongoing consultations to your NGO partners/especially German and Austrian, but also any other interested partners.

    I am sending you attached some project descriptions in English, should you wish to read this in details.

    Looking very much forward to hearing from You,

    Kindest regards,

    Mariia Matsepa

    Eurobaroweb Contact Person for Germany and Austria

