Friday, July 31, 2009

Pass the sick bucket...

Another day, another highly professional pro-Lisbon website crops up in Ireland. This time, it's "Women for Europe" (hot on the heels of We Belong, Generation Yes, Ireland for Europe, etc etc etc - you can see the whole list of links down the right hand side of 'Women for Europe').

Quite aside from our views on the Lisbon Treaty, and the growing number of suspiciously similar campaign groups (who's paying for all this?), there isn't a female in our office (including the one typing) who doesn't find this approach cheesy and patronising in the extreme.

The 'Why vote yes?' section for instance seems to suggest that tackling climate change, eradicating poverty, and protecting children and the eldery (which all have extremely tenuous links - if any - to the Lisbon Treaty) are issues that disproportionately concern the female of the species. Especially those who like attractively-iced cupcakes, judging by the nice photo in the Irish Times today.

Would "Men for Europe", staffed by a men-only team and complete with smug male photoshoots get away with this? Of course not. This is the opposite of equality in action.

On the question of who's paying for it - the whole thing smacks of EU Communications Commissioner Margot Wallstrom, who has (laudably enough) championed the participation of more women in EU politics. Another female EU Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, is photographed on the website, participating in a "Women for Europe" event. Oh and according to the Irish Times, the European Commission's most senior official, Catherine Day, will also be visiting the group ahead of the referendum on 2 October.

It's the latest shot in the European Commission-backed onslaught to make sure Irish people don't cock up its carefully-laid plans to grab control over dozens of new policy areas. No doubt many will fall for it.


  1. haha love the writing style... plus I complete agree with your points made... PLEASE PEOPLE VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!

  2. "Dozens of new policy areas"? The new policy areas under the Treaty are:
    - Intellectual Property rights
    - Sport
    - Energy
    - Tourism
    - Climate change
    - Space policy and
    - Administrative co-operation.

    Hardly enough to leave one shaking in one's boots!

  3. The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) have just decided that from today the media in Ireland do not have to give equal representation to both sides of Yes and No leading up to the referendum. It just confirms what we all know about the United States of Europe.
    Vote NO.
