Thursday, May 19, 2011


Usually mild mannered Swedish politicians have certainly displayed an unusual willingness to communicate strong opinions on European political issues of late. After some forthright comments on twitter from foreign minister Carl Bildt on Lybia recently, we now have finance minister Anders Borg eviscerating Gordon Brown’s reputation and lingering chances of becoming the new head of the IMF.

Speaking to Jeff Randall on Sky News, Borg said:
“It would be difficult to have a person that is so responsible for the fiscal crisis in the UK at the helm of the IMF… a country with a 10% deficit is I think a little bit problematic… the IMF today is very much about restoring fiscal responsibility”
Borg went on to tell Svenska Dagbladet that:
“He has been one of those who has argued for the deficit politics that we now see the results of. It would be odd to argue for him.”
For Gordon Brown, the self-styled saviour of the world, that has got to hurt. Nevertheless, it's refreshing to hear politicians who are not afraid of speaking their mind.


  1. "It would be difficult to have a person that is so responsible for the fiscal crisis in the UK at the helm of the IMF"
    So he supports...Lagarde!
    The finance minister of a country where balanced budgets are as rare as appearances of the holy virgin Mary.
    I think this Borg is broken.

  2. Thanks Anonymous - but we're not quite following you. What did Borg say that makes you think that he supports Lagarde?

  3. Apologies for not adding the source for the Lagarde bit:

  4. You're absolutely right. Good spot. He's actually quoted saying that in Svenska Dagbladet as well.

  5. Staggering to think that anyone should want Brown in any position of economic power. His answer to every problem was to chuck someone else's (our) money at it. In 8 years of boom, the UK never mangaed to pay back debt, only increase it; with no fat on our backs, no wonder we were so damaged when the cycle turned for the worse.

  6. Lagarde must simply not be allowed to take over the IMF. She is a dedicated EU 'supporter'. She believes political will will overcome economic reality. She will continue to chuck our money into the sinking Euro ship.
    We must have a non EU realist at the helm.
