Bild's reporting of the eurozone crisis has hardly been subtle, but following the increasingly hostile attitude towards Germany by the Greek public and politicians, this morning it has
openly called for Greece to "finally be be thrown out of the euro!", adding that the only things the country is able to export are “scorn, abuse and insulting rants”.
Welt journalist Florian Eder
pointed out on twitter, with German President Christian Wulff's
resignation this morning over the long-standing property scandal,
Bild has claimed a significant victory (
the paper played a key role in uncovering the scandal and called on Wulff to step down).
Will it also get its way on Greece?
Curious how the ring of gold stars on a blue field are gradually changing into a hindu symbol on a white and red field.
I thought it was a hammer and a sickle. The Greeks are just using the Germans as scapegoats for their problems, a tactic well-known to older Germans familiar with their country's treatment of certain ethnic groups between 1933 and 1945. Maybe we won't be reading about the war of the
sun-loungers in the the Sun this summer.
I think we can all rest easy knowing the same individuals whose painstaking foresight is responsible for the design of the EU also promised it would bring an end to the region's centuries-old history of national conflicts.
The biggest newspaper in Germany is in bed wih the German government, and it is laying the ground for a forced March 23, 2012 Greek default by giving the German government politicial cover: specifically, Frau Merkel can talk nice about the Greeks, while Bild slams them sufficiently to have the people of Germany demand a Greek Euro exit.
At that point, Merkel "reluctantly" throws her hands up and says: "Okay. If that's what you, the German people want..."
It's a classic good-cop, bad-cop situation.
The Greeks are still - according to polls - unwilling to leave the euro They're scared. Certainly they would still have a terrible year ahead of them if they did leave, but from the moment they were able to have a currency to devalue there would be hope and they would see for themselves that their sacrifices were to some purpose and not just to shore up a flawed currency experiment which can never work without Eurozone shared debts. Since almost none of the 17 would accept that - it just can't work. They refuse to face this factkadd character.
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