The point that has attracted most attention is the easing of the deficit cutting programme. But in actual fact the targeted cut is higher than before, given the change in the level of the deficit.
Previous 2010 estimate and 2011 target: 7.3% and 4.6% = change of 2.7%
New 2010 estimate and 2011 target: 9.1% and 5.9% = change of 3.2%
Most observers, including us, didn’t expect Portugal to be able to achieve its original level of cuts, let alone a higher level - especially when combined with lower growth prospects. That was before we even found out what was not going to be cut…
According to Socrates the conditions will not include cuts to: minimum wages, public sector pay, education spending and healthcare. In addition, there will be no additional public sector job cuts and the retirement age will not be increased. That is a huge list of things that will be left untouched, especially since savings of 3.2% of GDP are expected.
So, seriously, where is the money coming from?
Well, there are expected to be some, limited, cuts to higher scale state pensions as well as a decrease in the amount and duration of unemployment benefit. There is also a plan to raise VAT on electricity. In terms of increasing revenue, there was talk of privatising €5.3bn in public assets but not Caixa Geral de Depositos, the largest credit institution, which was widely expected to be sold to raise funds. So all in all not exactly an earth-shattering plan for saving 3.2% of GDP.
To be fair, there are more details and plans to be announced but considering what has already been taken off the table we’re not overly optimistic.
Admittedly, too much austerity would definitely be bad for the economy and finding the right balance is a hard line to tread. But for those of us who already believe the bailouts to be a waste of money, since they won’t solve any of the long term problems, these kinds of conditions are almost just adding insult to injury.
Der Spiegel is reporting that Greece is threatening to leave the Euro and reintroduce its own currency. Essentially this appears to be a tactical manoeuvre to get debt forgiveness through outright printing by the ECB. The European elites will do anything to avoid the otherwise inevitable breakup of the Euro but the only way to avoid this is to directly monetize all PIG debt.
What a sensible idea. The Euro was not suitable for use by such mixed economies. Thank goodness we kept out of it. Pity we dod not keep out of Europe
And now Denmark is to erect border posts.
My only comment is that we i.e. Britain should leave the EU asap, or that this corrupt Oligarchy eventually destroys itself.
Like most politicians of this era they lie, cheat, manipulate, deceive and anything else necessary to preserve their privileged, precious lifestyle; they have no interest what so ever in the electorate other than securing their vote.
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